The Abandoned Village of Apolycnos

The abandoned village of Apolychnos north of Moires Crete
The abandoned village of Apolychnos north of Moires Crete
Agios Panteleimon chuch in the abandoned village of Apolychnos north of Moires Crete
Memorial in the abandoned village of Apolychnos north of Moires Crete

Apolycnos is a deserted village situated near Moires in the southern part of Crete, Greece. Once a thriving community, the village now stands as a testament to the passage of time and the shifting tides of human settlement.

Location and Setting

Apolycnos is nestled in a scenic valley, surrounded by the rugged Cretan landscape. The village is located a short distance from Moires, making it relatively accessible despite its abandoned state. The surrounding area is characterized by rolling hills, olive groves, and vineyards, creating a picturesque backdrop for the village ruins.

History and Decline

The history of Apolycnos dates back centuries, with evidence of settlement in the area going back to the Byzantine era. The village likely experienced periods of growth and decline throughout its history, influenced by factors such as economic conditions, natural disasters, and political changes.

The decline of Apolycnos began in the mid-20th century, as rural populations across Greece migrated to urban centers in search of better economic opportunities. As residents left, the village’s infrastructure and social fabric gradually deteriorated, leading to its eventual abandonment.

Current State

Today, Apolycnos is a ghost village, its houses and streets empty and silent. The buildings, constructed from traditional Cretan stone, bear the marks of time and neglect, with crumbling walls and overgrown vegetation. Despite its abandoned state, the village retains a certain charm, offering a glimpse into the past and a reminder of the resilience of the Cretan landscape.

Village Key Points

  • Historical References: The village is first mentioned in a document from 1248 under the name Apolchino. Further references appear in documents from 1369, 1583, and 1630.
  • Location: Apolycnos is located near Moires in south Crete, Greece.
  • Dimensions: The exact dimensions of the village are not readily available. However, it is described as a small village.
  • Historical Significance: Apolycnos provides insight into the traditional Cretan way of life and the challenges faced by rural communities in the 20th century.
  • Population data over the years: The population of Apolycnos declined throughout the 20th century, leading to its abandonment. The 2001 census recorded zero inhabitants.
  • Current Status: Apolycnos is currently abandoned.

Additional Notes

  • The village features a church dedicated to Saint Panteleimon, which, despite the village’s abandonment, still stands.
  • Apolycnos is located near a small gorge, adding to the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

Paved Road

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