Ano Asites and Kato Asites and the eastern slopes of Psiloritis mountain in Crete

Kato Asites: A Cretan Village Steeped in History and Tradition

Kato Asites, nestled on the eastern slopes of Mount Psiloritis, offers visitors a glimpse into the heart of Cretan life. This village, located just 24 kilometers from Heraklion, is a testament to the island’s rich history and enduring traditions.

Cultural Preservation: The Heartbeat of Kato Asites

The Cultural Association of Kato Asites “To Gorgolaini” plays a pivotal role in preserving the village’s cultural heritage. Through various initiatives, the association actively promotes traditional crafts, music, and dance, ensuring that the customs and practices of the past continue to thrive in the present. Their efforts have fostered a strong sense of community and pride among the residents, who are passionate about sharing their heritage with visitors. The association organizes the “Asites 2024” cultural events to honor the village’s patron saint, Agia Paraskevi, featuring traditional Cretan music, dance, food, and storytelling.

Exploring the Sights of Kato Asites

Kato Asites boasts a wealth of historical and cultural attractions. The Gorgolaini Monastery, a significant landmark, stands as a symbol of the village’s resilience and resistance throughout history. The monastery, founded in 1320, served as a refuge for revolutionaries during the Cretan uprisings and houses the tomb of Captain Fragias Mastrachas, a hero of the 1866 revolution.

The village is also home to numerous churches, each with its own unique story and architectural style. The Church of Agia Paraskevi, the village’s patron saint, is particularly noteworthy. Legend has it that a Turkish soldier once shot at the statue of Agia Paraskevi above the entrance, but the bullet ricocheted and killed him. The bullet mark is still visible on the statue today.

Traditional Professions: A Living Legacy

Kato Asites is a haven for traditional crafts and professions. Visitors can witness skilled artisans practicing their crafts, from carpentry and jewelry making to the creation of traditional musical instruments. The village is also home to several women’s cooperatives that produce and sell local delicacies, offering a taste of authentic Cretan cuisine. The “Asites 2024” event showcases these traditional professions and local products, allowing visitors to experience the village’s rich cultural heritage firsthand.

Natural Beauty: A Hiker’s Paradise

The natural surroundings of Kato Asites are equally captivating. The village is a starting point for numerous hiking trails that wind through the Psiloritis mountain range, offering breathtaking views of the Cretan landscape. The European E4 path leads hikers to the peak of Prinos, where they can find the mountain refuge of the Heraklion Mountaineering Club and enjoy panoramic vistas that extend to the island of Santorini on a clear day.

Village Key Points

  • First recorded mention: 1394
  • Location: Eastern slopes of Mount Psiloritis, 24 kilometers from Heraklion
  • Historical Significance: Played a role in Cretan uprisings, home to Gorgolaini Monastery
  • Population Data: 1042 (1942), 1076 (2011)
  • Current Status: Thriving village with a strong focus on cultural preservation

20km from Heraklion


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