Agios Fokas in Episkopi

Agios Fokas of Episkopi of Heraklion Crete
Agios Fokas of Episkopi of Heraklion Crete
Agios Fokas of Episkopi of Heraklion Crete

Agios Fokas Church: A Forgotten Ruin in Episkopi

In the rural landscape of Episkopi, near Heraklion, lies the forgotten and largely unknown Agios Fokas Church. Today, it exists as a dilapidated structure, reduced to a pile of stones that once formed a beautiful church. Only a portion of the south wall remains standing, a testament to the church’s past glory. However, even this last vestige is under threat of collapse, a victim of neglect and the passage of time.

A Fading Memory

The church’s location is significant, nestled in an area rich in religious history, surrounded by other ancient monuments like the Panagia Keralimniotissa and Agios Georgios in Toupaki, both former monasteries. It is possible that Agios Fokas also served as a monastery at some point in its history. The church’s construction likely dates back to the late Byzantine era, a period when the memory of Nikiforos Fokas’s passage through Crete was still vivid. The use of ceramic fragments within the wall suggests that the church may have been built before the Venetian arrival in Crete.

Architectural Clues

While the remaining structure offers limited insight, it appears the church was a single-nave building. Whether it was adorned with frescoes remains uncertain, although it is likely that the interior was decorated. The site is now overgrown with vegetation, with colorful wildflowers blooming amidst the ruins in the springtime.

A Call for Preservation

The fate of Agios Fokas Church highlights the need for urgent preservation efforts to protect Crete’s rich cultural heritage. Without intervention, this historic monument will fade into oblivion, lost to both the physical landscape and collective memory.

Archaeological Site: Key Points

  • Construction Period: Likely late Byzantine era
  • Location: Episkopi, near Heraklion, Crete
  • Dimensions: Unknown due to extensive damage
  • Historical Significance: Potential connection to the historical figure Nikiforos Fokas, representative of late Byzantine architecture
  • Current Status: Ruined, with only a portion of the south wall remaining


Earth Road

The earth road is very narrow, especially the last meters requiring attention, or a four-wheel car.

Byzantine period
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